If you’re reading this, chances are you’re feeling intense pressure. Maybe it’s the pressure to succeed, to get into a prestigious college, to meet the high expectations of your family or teachers—or even the expectations you’ve set for yourself. You might feel like you have to be perfect in everything you do, and that any mistake could ruin your future. This pressure can be overwhelming, and sometimes, it might feel like the only way out is through thoughts of suicide. But here’s something important: you’re not alone, and there is help.

Acknowledge the Pressure

First of all, it’s okay to feel stressed about school, your future, and everything else. High-achieving students often feel like they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. But the truth is, while school and college applications are important, they don’t define your worth or your future. There are so many paths in life, and no single decision will make or break you. Sometimes, acknowledging the pressure you’re under can help lighten its load.

Reach Out to Someone You Trust

Talking about how you’re feeling is one of the most powerful things you can do. It can feel scary to open up, especially if you’re used to being the one who has it all together. But keeping your feelings bottled up only adds to the weight. Whether it’s a friend, family member, teacher, or counselor, let someone know what you’re going through. You’ll be surprised at how much others care and how willing they are to help.

Know There Are Professional Resources for You

If you’re feeling like you need more help than friends or family can provide, there are professionals who are trained to support you. You don’t need to face this alone, and these resources exist specifically for moments like this:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (text 988): This is a free and confidential helpline available 24/7. You can call or text 988 if you need someone to talk to. The person on the other end is trained to listen without judgment and offer support.
  • Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741): If you don’t feel comfortable talking on the phone, you can text HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. They’re available 24/7 and will help you work through what you’re feeling. This is a free service. Your crisis might be different than someone else’s. The counselors here have heard it all and are trained to help.
  • Teen Line (text TEEN to 939863). A free service run by teens for teens. The most common reasons youth reach out include difficulties with relationships, frustration with school, anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts.
  • School Counselors or Trusted Teachers: It can feel intimidating to speak with someone at your school about personal issues, but your counselor is there for more than just scheduling classes. They’ve helped many students through hard times and can guide you to resources like therapists or support groups. We at Athens Advisors are here for you too. While we are not therapists, we do have resources that can help you. Please. Just ask.
  • Therapy & Counseling Services: If you find that stress and sadness are becoming overwhelming, seeking a therapist or counselor can be a game-changer. Therapy isn’t just for people who are struggling—it’s a way to learn how to cope with life’s challenges and build emotional strength.

It’s Okay to Step Back

Sometimes, taking a break feels like failing, but it’s the opposite. Giving yourself permission to slow down and take care of your mental health is one of the strongest things you can do. Whether it’s scaling back on your commitments, spending more time with friends and family, or simply letting yourself rest, it’s okay. No achievement is worth sacrificing your well-being.

You Matter

Right now, it might feel like there’s no way forward or that the expectations placed on you are too heavy to carry. But there is hope, and there is a way through this. Your life is valuable, and you are so much more than your grades, test scores, or future college plans. Reach out, talk to someone, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You matter more than you know.

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. Nobody is and this moment is fleeting. It will pass but if it seems like it won’t, reach out and talk to someone.