Monday, April 1 – Saturday, April 6, 2024
Pacific Northwest – April 2024

Prospective Colleges
- University of Washington
- University of Oregon
- Oregon State University
- Washington State University
- Gonzaga University
- Seattle University
- University of Puget Sound
- Lewis and Clark
- University of Portland
- Monday, April 1 to Saturday, April 6, 2024.
- $2,900 for Bay Area students (SJC departure/SFO return)
- Open to students graduating in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
- Flight departs from SJC.
- Each student must have health coverage. Parents will complete a healthcare emergency form, and waiver and consent forms.
- Includes airfare, coach motorcoach transportation (WiFi, plugins) transportation, five nights lodging (double occupancy), and breakfast each day. All other meals, and incidental expenses paid by participant.
- Athens Advisors and school college counselors will supervise the tour. Mixed gender tours will always have both female and male counselors.
- Confirmed school visits show in graphic above. School visits subject to availability. Registrants will receive updated information and complete itineraries.